Current studies:
Personalized Prediction and Intervention
*Please note that this study requires in-person participation on the UC Berkeley campus (Berkeley, California).
This study involves four parts: (1) A clinical interview, to be conducted in 2 hours over zoom or 3 hours in person, for a total payment of $35 or $50 respectively. (2) 30 days of phone surveys, with 8 short surveys a day, for a total payment of up to $84. (3) A free in-person personalized therapy intervention (in our lab). (4) Two brief follow ups to determine the efficacy of the therapy for a total payment of $35.
You can thus make up to $169 from this study ($154 if you do the assessment virtually).
If you are interested in participating, please contact us:
Phone: 510-664-4705
Please provide the title of the study you are interested in, your full name, and your phone number.